Day 1
We began the week with a break to celebrate our Recognition Rites, as all three of us in the team were honored as Dean’s Listers. This pause allowed us to reflect on our achievements and recharge for the tasks ahead.
Day 2
On the second day, I integrated the Django RESTful API with both the MySQL database and ChromaDB. This involved implementing query encoding and decoding for use with the API and reusing functions from the original OCR to DB pipelines, customizing them for the new modules. I set up environment variable loading to protect credentials and integrated MySQL and ChromaDB querying with the Django RESTful API view, returning JSON responses.
Day 3
The third day was dedicated to Dockerizing our environment. I prepared a Dockerfile for the Django RESTful API, created a `requirements.txt` of the Python environment, built a Docker image, and ran a container of the API. For the MySQL database, I pulled the latest official MySQL Docker image, created a dump SQL file, ran a container from the MySQL image, and loaded the dump SQL file into the new container. I configured the Django RESTful API to connect to the MySQL database in another container, tested the connection, and successfully returned data via API calls.
Day 4
On the fourth day, I focused on building lighter Docker images for the Django RESTful API and MySQL database. I created a new Python virtual environment, manually installed necessary packages, and generated a new `requirements.txt`. I built and tested new Docker images and added statements in the Dockerfile to load the SQL dump file into the entrypoint. I tested the integration of the new Docker containers and added conditionals to the Django API to access the MySQL database based on the 'Dockerized' environment variable.
Day 5
The final day of the week involved integrating the two Docker containers using Docker Compose. I explored the possibility of using multi-stage builds, made minor code revisions, rebuilt the images, and created a YAML file for Docker Compose. Testing the integration of the MySQL and Django RESTful API containers using Docker Compose was a significant milestone, marking the completion of a robust and efficient development environment.